Heather - the passion in the baking and creating
Thank you for clicking on this page, I hope it helps us to get to know each other a little before you follow your dreams and get in touch to make your occasion extra special with the
cakes and treats I'll make for you.
I've been making cakes for nearly 30 years, ever since I wanted to make and decorate my own wedding cake. I went to evening classes to learn to make the sugar flowers and that is when my passion for cake decorating began.
A special day, with a special man, and a very special wedding cake!
I've had a super career being a Food Technology and Special Needs teacher for 33 years.
How many times have I cajoled, motivated and passed on my knowledge to thousands of pupils? showing them how to respect their ingredients, how they blend together, using techniques to ensure their dishes, cakes and pastries
look and taste the best they can (and are edible!)
Over the years, my passion and skills for creating have grown and grown, I am constantly being inspired by professional cake artists, there is just so much to learn and add! That is why I am so keen to continue to and improve my skill set by attending a range of different cake decorating courses every year. More and more people were asking me if I could make a
cake for their celebration after seeing cakes I had made for family and friends, and because I love
baking and decorating, it was hard to say 'no'.
When the time came for change, I waved goodbye to teaching and immersed myself in the world of celebration cakes and bakes. Funnily enough, I don't miss teaching like I thought I would. Those golden moments of exhilaration when pupils
realise they can do something new, are now replaced with moments of pure joy when a customers'
bespoke cake is revealed for the first time, their eyes light up and they can't wait to show it off!
There is just nothing to beat that feeling...
This is me now, making sure your centre-piece has the 'WOW' factor
and every detail is just as it should be.
I'm happy to talk to you about your ideas for Wedding Cakes, decorated chocolate bombs
and geo hearts, fudge, cupcakes and customised or embellished biscuits.
(All of which make lovely favours for wedding guests!)
Please get in touch here if you’d like me to help make your cake dreams come true.
Heather’s Cakes for all Occasions is based in Ordsall, near Retford, Nottinghamshire.
Heather’s Cakes is fully registered, insured and holds a 5* hygiene rating.